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A sketchy portrait of Daniel Kahneman, with emphasis on his work Thinking, Fast and Slow.

Daniel Kahneman

Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize-winning psychologist, showed the world how our minds work in fascinating (and sometimes surprising) ways with his groundbreaking research on decision-making. He’s the reason we all feel a little smarter when we stop to think before we act—well, most of the time!


A modern version of Thinking, Fast and Slow's cover, emphasizing the book’s exploration of human decision-making.

Ever wonder why your brain makes some snap decisions that turn out to be great, and others that… well, could use some work? Kahneman’s exploration of human thinking explains how we make decisions—and why we should sometimes slow down to rethink them. A must-read for anyone in business, because understanding your mind means outsmarting it.

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